Friday, January 17, 2020

FEE STRUCTURE - Avoca Before- and After School care 2020


Before School Care Casual                              $ 25  per day
Permanent                                                        $ 22.50 per day
After School Care Casual                                 $ 28  per day
Permanent                                                        $ 24.50 per day
Vacation Care                                                   $ 65.00 per day (Or otherwise stated)

Late collection fee of children after 6.30pm   $1.00 per min

Cancelations of a vacation care position during the school holiday period will still incur a charge at your CCB/CCR reduced amount.

Late Fee = $10 for every week your fees are not up to date.

Cancelation of a casual BSC or ASC position on the day of booking will still incur a charge at your CCB/CCR reduced amount.


The easiest way to pay your fees is by Direct Deposit.
The account details are as follows:
Name:   Avoca Before & After School Care
BSB: 012621
Account Number: 411914165
Bank: ANZ

Please ensure your Child/ren’s full name is used as a reference.