Situated at Copacabana Public School, Pueblo Street, Copacabana 2251 NSW.

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Please have a look at the following links:
Every term we have a newsletter for the parents.
The Vacation-care program for December/January is almost finished. Have a look what we have planned for your children.
You are in need of a night out without the children?
Bring them to our Centre and help us funding a new bus for the Centre....
Every term we have a newsletter for the parents.
The Vacation-care program for December/January is almost finished. Have a look what we have planned for your children.
You are in need of a night out without the children?
Bring them to our Centre and help us funding a new bus for the Centre....
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Parent's Night Out - Fundraiser
Parent’s Night out
Coast OOSH (Avoca
School Care) is hosting a Parent’s Night Out for those with children ages 4- 12
from 7 - 10 pm, Friday
13th December.
Parents can enjoy a
night out and leave their children at the Avoca School Care Centre for a
pizza-dinner, movie-night and pop-corn.
Cost is $30 for first
child, $45 for 2 children or more.
Staff will donate
their time with the fee for the night going towards fundraising for the Centre.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
phone numbers
********* ATTENTION PLEASE **********
Julee will be overseas for the coming 4 weeks...
If you need to contact us for a casual booking, a cancellation, questions or something else, could you please use one of those numbers:
* 02-438 266 01 or
* 04-811 366 41.
(or e-mail
Bookings on Julee's private mobile-number won't come through to the Centre when she's away and we can't book your child(ren) in or receive any other important messages, please be aware of this!
Thank you!
Julee will be overseas for the coming 4 weeks...
If you need to contact us for a casual booking, a cancellation, questions or something else, could you please use one of those numbers:
* 02-438 266 01 or
* 04-811 366 41.
(or e-mail
Bookings on Julee's private mobile-number won't come through to the Centre when she's away and we can't book your child(ren) in or receive any other important messages, please be aware of this!
Thank you!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Vacation-Care program September-October
You can find our program for the upcoming holidays here: Program Vacation Care September-October + Bookingform
Please fill in the booking-form for the days you need care for and bring it back to the Centre so we can reserve a spot.
Please fill in the booking-form for the days you need care for and bring it back to the Centre so we can reserve a spot.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Have you noticed our new path-way yet???
No wet feet anymore when you bring your child(ren) in :-)
The path is attached to the existing walkway at the Tennis-courts.
Casual bookings
Please be aware that if you have booked your child in for a casual session and you cancel this session, you will be charged $1.50 per child booking fee.
It takes time to put your child into the system, the roll and then to have it all cancelled again is time-consuming.
Thank you,
Please be aware that if you have booked your child in for a casual session and you cancel this session, you will be charged $1.50 per child booking fee.
It takes time to put your child into the system, the roll and then to have it all cancelled again is time-consuming.
Thank you,
We have noticed that some people are still using Julee's private mobile-number to cancel a booking, book their child in or any other important messages.
Could we please ask you not to use her private number anymore because when Julee is overseas or interstate we aren't able to receive those messages in time!!!!
If you need to call us, please use:
* 02-438 266 01 or
* 04-811 366 41
or send us an e-mail:
Thank you!!!!
Could we please ask you not to use her private number anymore because when Julee is overseas or interstate we aren't able to receive those messages in time!!!!
If you need to call us, please use:
* 02-438 266 01 or
* 04-811 366 41
or send us an e-mail:
Thank you!!!!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday 15th July
On Monday 15th July, the Pupil-free-day, we will have our Centre open to look after your child(ren) from
7 am till 6 pm..
If you need to book your child(ren) in, please give us a call or send us an e-mail and we will put them on the list for that day.
phone: 02-43826600
Thank you!
7 am till 6 pm..
If you need to book your child(ren) in, please give us a call or send us an e-mail and we will put them on the list for that day.
phone: 02-43826600
Thank you!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Coming Thursday will be our Science-day in the Centre.
Children will do science experiments and bring their imagination to life. If you have a science experiment at home you want to show us and the other kids, please bring it in!
You can also wear a white jacket if you like, to feel like a real scientist :-)
Steph is asking ALL the children to bring A PLASTIC SODA BOTTLE (1-1.5 ltr or 500 ml is ok). She has something planned with it.....
Thank you
Children will do science experiments and bring their imagination to life. If you have a science experiment at home you want to show us and the other kids, please bring it in!
You can also wear a white jacket if you like, to feel like a real scientist :-)
Steph is asking ALL the children to bring A PLASTIC SODA BOTTLE (1-1.5 ltr or 500 ml is ok). She has something planned with it.....
Thank you
And what a great first day of the Vacation-care we've had... Who could ever imagine during the weekend that the rain would disappear?
We needed dry weather for our Beach- and amazing race day on Monday and we couldn't be happier with the sunshine and blue skies we've got!
We needed dry weather for our Beach- and amazing race day on Monday and we couldn't be happier with the sunshine and blue skies we've got!
The weatherforecast is looking good for the rest of the week as well. Couldn't be better!
Today we are having a day of coaching by a professional tennis coach on the grounds of Copa tennis courts. They already enjoyed their sausage sandwich and are still showing off their tennis-skills at the moment I'm writing this.
The grounds in our area are wet and muddy and we'll hope it will dry up soon. In the mean-time, when it's still too wet to play on the grounds, we will take the children to the COLA or the school-ball court to have a play.
Have you seen our new garden yet? It's looking great and finishes off the building much more. We have some rubber tiles ready to go in, but we have to wait until everything is dry.
The children made little features to put in the garden, so please have a closer look once you are here :-)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Attention ALL parents !!!
If your child has gone home from school sick, or is absent on the day he/she is booked into the Centre, it is absolutely crucial that you advise our staff about their absence!
If we are NOT notified it puts a huge amount of stress on staff while they are looking for your child.
By the time we follow through with our policy of a missing child, it becomes very time-costly and puts the afternoon out of routine. It is not just staff that are affected by this but ALL children have to wait for the staff to finish their procedures.
Our policies are mentioning a $5 non-notification fee that may be charged daily if the Centre Staff are not informed of the absence - for After School Care this needs to be prior to 2.30 pm (phonenumber: 02-43826601 or 04-81136641)
Thanks for your understanding in this matter...
If your child has gone home from school sick, or is absent on the day he/she is booked into the Centre, it is absolutely crucial that you advise our staff about their absence!
If we are NOT notified it puts a huge amount of stress on staff while they are looking for your child.
By the time we follow through with our policy of a missing child, it becomes very time-costly and puts the afternoon out of routine. It is not just staff that are affected by this but ALL children have to wait for the staff to finish their procedures.
Our policies are mentioning a $5 non-notification fee that may be charged daily if the Centre Staff are not informed of the absence - for After School Care this needs to be prior to 2.30 pm (phonenumber: 02-43826601 or 04-81136641)
Thanks for your understanding in this matter...
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Reminders for the parents: 1st + 2nd week Holiday Program
What the children need to bring during the Holiday-care:
1st Week:
Beach day and amazing race
Hat and old sand shoes
(goggle, snorkel, sand bucket, shovel, beach chair if available)
Tennis Coaching
Tennis gear and own racket
All day fun
(jumping castle + plaster art)
nothing special needed
Science day
bring in science experiments if you have them and
wear a white jacket
Kids Head Quarters Wyong
bring plenty to eat and drink
2nd week
Camping Day
pack a small tent if you have one
Green Thumb
nothing special needed
Reptile Park
Bring plenty to eat and drink
good walking shoes
Party day
Brooke's saying goodbye...
bring a plate of your favorite food!!!
Hip Hop Day
Best hip hop clothes and dancing shoes
We need some help :-)
For our Beach Day and Amazing Race on Monday 1st July (Holiday-program) we are in need of:
* Flippers,
* Goggles/snorkel sets,
* fold out beach chairs,
* sand buckets and shovels...
It would be great If you have one of these things at home and we could use them for the day...
Feel free to bring them into the Centre before/on Monday!
Thanks !!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Newsletter - June 2013 / term 2
The latest Newsletter is on-line to keep you up-to-date with all sorts of things happening in our Centre or in the Child Care Industry.
Newsletter - June 2013/ term 2
Newsletter - June 2013/ term 2
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Vacation Care Program - Monday 1st July to Friday 12th July
To give everyone time to think about the upcoming holidays and the care they need for their children, we have our Holiday program ready for July!!!
Please have a look at it and use the Booking-form for the required days.
You'll help us out by bringing this form in as soon as you know which days you need care for. In that way we are able to roster our carers in for the amount of children we will have on the days :-)
Vacation Care Program and Booking-form
Please have a look at it and use the Booking-form for the required days.
You'll help us out by bringing this form in as soon as you know which days you need care for. In that way we are able to roster our carers in for the amount of children we will have on the days :-)
Vacation Care Program and Booking-form
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
29th-30th April pupil-free days
One more day to go... We are looking forward to have the first Vacation Care in our new Centre.
Thanks to all the people who already have booked their child(ren) in for the coming weeks. We have still places available. If you need care during the holidays please contact us on:
phonenumber/landline: 02-43826601
mobile: 04-81136641
School starts back at the 1st May and there will be two pupil-free days (29th+30th April).
The Centre will provide care (no special activities and $50 fee) on those days as well!!!
Please contact us if you need care for those days :-)
Enjoy the Holidays everyone!!!!!!
Thanks to all the people who already have booked their child(ren) in for the coming weeks. We have still places available. If you need care during the holidays please contact us on:
phonenumber/landline: 02-43826601
mobile: 04-81136641
School starts back at the 1st May and there will be two pupil-free days (29th+30th April).
The Centre will provide care (no special activities and $50 fee) on those days as well!!!
Please contact us if you need care for those days :-)
Enjoy the Holidays everyone!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Vacation-Care program Easter-Holidays !!!
Our new Vacation-care program is on-line.
Have a look at all the activities the carers have planned for the kids.
Please be aware that you have the kids booked in for every day they want to come and that all payments for vacation-care must be deposited into our account and received by us prior to the day your child will come in. We have a booking-form ready at the Centre. We will ask you to complete this form and return it to the Centre.
For all bookings:
phone: 02-43826601 or mobile: 04-81136641
or come into the centre and put your kid's name down in our Vacation-Care book.
If it's the first time your child will attend our Centre, you need to enroll him/her first!!! Please come in and ask Julee or the carers about the procedure and take an enrolment form home. You can also find an enrolment form on this blog. (on the right hand side/menu/enrolment form)
Please take notice of the two days we have an excursion. There will be an extra fee and we have a strict time we have to leave the centre. This is all stated below.
Sometime we ask the kids to bring something in, don't forget :-)
It looks like a lot of fun and we hope a lot of kids will join us during the Holidays, we are looking forward to it!
Monday 15th April
Fees $50,00
Burts Backyard
Our new centre needs a garden. Today we will start our worm farm & get our compost bin organised. We will go to the greenhouse and plant our seeds & watch them grow. We will also play hot potato and have a game of garden trivia. Be a part of watching nature grow.
Tuesday 16th April
Fees $65,00
!!!! Leaving at 10am & return at 3pm !!!
Woy Woy Pool
This day is always fun. The staff and children enjoy the slide and indoor heated pool. Pack lots of food & water as all that swimming makes for a healthy appetite!!!
Wednesday 17th April
Fees $50,00
Recycle Day
Let's get creative. Learn to do a mosaic picture (making lovely art-work out of broken tiles). The children will also make a birdhouse out of recycled timber to hang in their garden. If you have your own hammer please bring it along!!!
Thursday 18th April
Fees $70,00
!!!! Leaving at 10.30am & return at 3pm !!!
Avoca Paddle boats
Before winter comes let's head for the paddle boats. We will have lunch under the fig trees & play games on the oval before returning to the centre to watch a DVD & chill out.
Friday 19th April
Fees: $50,00
Lets spin our wheels
Bring along your bike, scooter or skateboard plus helmets & pads too!!!! We will have an obstacle course so you can test your skills. There will also be a competition to see who can draw the best picture of their bike, scooter or skateboard and who can make the best car out of recycle materials.
Monday 22nd April
Fees $50,00
Travel the world
Today we will be travelling to Italy, Thailand and France, making our own passport, tasting food from the different countries and making flags. We will be learning a bit about each culture, the games they play and the craft they do.
Tuesday 23rd April
Fees $50,00
Fruit loop circus day
Roll up, roll up, roll up, for a great day at the circus. Dress up as your favourite circus performer. We will try our hand at making balloon animals, hoop throwing & juggling. There will be face painting, a tattoo parlur, feed the clown, popcorn races and a cartwheel competition!
Wednesday 24th April
Fees $50,00
Disco Day
Dress up, let your hair down and dance the day away. Bring in your favourite music & your special dance moves. We will do crazy hair and nails as well as lots of party games. Bring in a plate of your favourite party food to share for lunch!
Thursday 25th April
Friday 26th April
Due to low numbers last year,
Friday, March 8, 2013
upcoming Easter-Holidays
We are not in Holiday-mode yet but it's coming up very soon! I'm getting a bit excited after having a quick look at our Vacation-care program for the Easter-holidays!!!
Many new activities and loads of fun to keep your children entertained in April, that's for sure!
I will put the whole Vacation-care-program and information on the blog and facebook (look for: Avoca Schoolcare and become a friend) and our blog as soon as possible!!!
Many new activities and loads of fun to keep your children entertained in April, that's for sure!
I will put the whole Vacation-care-program and information on the blog and facebook (look for: Avoca Schoolcare and become a friend) and our blog as soon as possible!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
A big welcome !
The kids are back to school (some of them started big school) and everyone has settled in. All new routines are in place and we are all getting used to it. This is not only a rule for the kids but also for us in the Centre. It falls all into place now, almost everything is unpacked, we have electricity, our birdy is back :-) and there's plenty of time now to enjoy the new Centre!
Finally time to Welcome all the new kids who are attending the School Care. It can be a bit scary by times to come in for the first time, not knowing a lot of other children and getting used to all the rules that others already know so well.... but they are all gorgeous kids and we are so lucky with a bunch of beautiful children to look after! Hopefully the new ones are enjoying it as much as we do, but if there's anything you want to talk about, please come in and ask Julee or one of the carers for more information!
As you might have noticed, the aim is to get accounts out to you once a week (most of the times on a Tuesday). Often the system accidentally didn't upload the CCB or even the attendance of the kids. By sending the accounts out regularly we keep you up-to-date with the hours/outstanding amount, as well we notice and are able to solve problems in an earlier stage.
The policy states that all fees are to be paid at the end of each week, so please make your payments on a regular base if possible.
Another note to the parents is that the Staff-car park (fenced car park in front of the school) from Copacabana PS, can't be used for parents while dropping off their children. The school needs those places for their teachers. Thank you!
Finally time to Welcome all the new kids who are attending the School Care. It can be a bit scary by times to come in for the first time, not knowing a lot of other children and getting used to all the rules that others already know so well.... but they are all gorgeous kids and we are so lucky with a bunch of beautiful children to look after! Hopefully the new ones are enjoying it as much as we do, but if there's anything you want to talk about, please come in and ask Julee or one of the carers for more information!
As you might have noticed, the aim is to get accounts out to you once a week (most of the times on a Tuesday). Often the system accidentally didn't upload the CCB or even the attendance of the kids. By sending the accounts out regularly we keep you up-to-date with the hours/outstanding amount, as well we notice and are able to solve problems in an earlier stage.
The policy states that all fees are to be paid at the end of each week, so please make your payments on a regular base if possible.
Another note to the parents is that the Staff-car park (fenced car park in front of the school) from Copacabana PS, can't be used for parents while dropping off their children. The school needs those places for their teachers. Thank you!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
need to contact us?
The phonenumber in the centre from now on is: 02-43826601
mobile: 04-81136641
mobile: 04-81136641
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Last monday was the first time we could open the door for our kids in the new Centre.
It's amazing... it looks great even it's not finished yet, and it feels like heaven to have that much space for everyone!
Welcome!!! |
the quiet corner |
play equipment |
playing on the new floor mat |
The children wouldn't know but the staff is trying really hard to manage without electricity in the building... We're getting there, next week that issue must be solved :-)
to be continued.....
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
last photos vacation-care January 2013
Wow, it has gone so quick... a couple of more days and the kids are heading back to school...
Where would we be without vacation-care?
Kids were so happy and I think we organised some pretty nice things for them to have fun during the holidays...
Have a look at some more snap-shots from last week till today:
Where would we be without vacation-care?
Kids were so happy and I think we organised some pretty nice things for them to have fun during the holidays...
Have a look at some more snap-shots from last week till today:
making Fruit-sticks |
fishing |
Hawaiian dancing |
water-fun on a hot day! |
on the catwalk |
making picture-frames |
Sydney Aquarium |
smile..... |
the Dugong!!!! |
Yellow Duck in Darling Harbour |
play-time |
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